Category Archives: commodity

Where Are My 2BACCO Coins?

Where Are My 2BACCO Coins?

written by: 2bacco at bitcointalk    

     A possible exchange of words between 2bacco and Chewbacco, which might have happened, but never did happen

Where Are My 2BACCO Coins

2bacco: ‘Put down that weapon Chewbacco, the non-synching 2bacco coin wallet won’t let us send you 2bacco coins’

Chewbacco: ‘Fix it, I need my 2bacco coins’
2bacco: ‘Please, a little patience Chewbacco, we need to get money from crowdfunding to pay the developer(s) to upgrade the 2bacco wallet and make it POS/POW instead of just POW, similar to the Netcoin Net wallet.   Currently it is just in the pre-crowdfunding phases,  but the REAL CROWDFUNDING is estimated for Mid-July 2016 approximately.’

below, is the link to the pre-crowdfund page at

Pre Crowdfunding 2bacco coin link to be shared. Share the link below on social media

Chewie: ‘Has anyone sent any Bitcoins?’

2bacco: ‘Not yet, but [b]we did get 5000 Netcoins yesterday[/b], it’s a start to the crowdfunding, but falls short,
we are asking for $10,$20,$50,$100 or more when people gift,
but we appreciate any and all gifts’

Chewie: ‘Why didn’t anyone send Bitcoins yet?’

2bacco: ‘I don’t know why Chewie, this is just the pre-crowdfunding,
so it’s just getting started, maybe more people will gift bitcoins at some time, can you put the weapon down Chewie?’

Chewie: ‘And what about Startcoins and Cannabis coins, did anyone send any?’

2bacco: ‘Chewie, I am trying to get the Startcoin and Cannabis coin wallets to synch, and then I will be able to see if any of those coins have been sent or not, just a little patience, can you please put down that weapon Chewie?’

Chewie: ‘Are you going to accept gifts from Paypal and credit cards during the crowdfunding?’

2bacco: ‘Yes Chewie, when the REAL CROWDFUNDING gets going, then we will be working through a crowdfunding website, a website that will accept paypal and/or credit cards, it might be just paypal but I hope the crowdfund website will also accept credit cards too. Paypal does accept credit cards too, but not everyone has a paypal account’

Chewie: ‘Have you contacted any crowdfunding websites to try and get 2bacco a crowdfund campaign there?’

2bacco: ‘I haven’t actually contacted any crowdfund websites just yet.   First I wanted to have a crowdfund manager, but I will let you know I have been eyeing [b][/b] and [b][/b] as possible candidates, but I don’t know if they
will accept a 2bacco coin crowdfund or not. It will be up to the crowdfund sites to decide if they will accept a 2bacco coin crowdfund or not’.

Chewbacco: ‘ok, you just make sure I get my 2bacco coins, ya hear’

2bacco: ‘of course, I want to send some 2bacco coins to you’



Chewbacco fires his weapon into the air, and runs off disappearing into the wilderness.    Off in the distance, Chewbacco’s voice is heard saying: ‘I’ll be back!’

A little while later, a spaceship is seen and heard shooting up into the sky in the direction where Chewbacco ran..


2bacco coin, The Smoker Friendly Coin, 2baccocoinRead More About 2BACCO




Pre Crowdfunding For 2BACCO Coin

2bacco coin, The Smoker Friendly Coin, 2baccocoin

Pre-Crowdfunding For 2BACCO Coin

Below, is a link to the ‘pre-crowdfunding’ promotion page at

The user named 2bacco at was offering alot of 2bacco coins
to developers to do some work on the 2bacco coin wallet,
but no one was willing to work and be paid with 2bacco coins.

The likely reason is because 2bacco coins have been trading at
very low prices, between 2-6 satoshi each,
and developers want to make their money now, rather than wait for
the price of 2bacco coins to hopefully go up some time in the future.

The user named 2bacco is now trying to raise money with crowdfunding,
to pay for developers to do work on the 2bacco coin wallet.
User 2bacco is having a ‘Pre-Crowdfunding’ promotion,
but it is anticipated that there will be a more formal
Crowdfunding promotion at some time in the future.

Below, is a link to the ‘pre-crowdfunding’ promotion page at

Also, user 2bacco wants everyone to share the above link in social media such as facebook, twitter, reddit, tumblr, etc… and by email. There are many other social networking sites out there too.
On that page, there are some crypto addresses, which people can copy and paste and send coins to, for people who want to support the redesign of the 2bacco wallet.
There is bitcoin, netcoin and startcoin addresses, take your pick, any of those will work.

For more information about 2BACCO Coin,
there is the main thread at 2bacco coin main thread at bitcointalk
or there is the 2bacco coin official website at 2bacco coin official website
or follow at


*As a side-note, I was looking for 2bacco coin on facebook,

partly because I think 2bacco will need to get more involved on facebook to try and improve

the chances of success for the crowdfunding promotion,

and found some pages with 2bacco pictures or information,

thought I would share those links with you below:

Altcoin Crowdfund Crowdfunding (group)
Altcoin Crowdfund Crowdfunding
Smokers Rights Advocacy (group)
Smokers Rights Advocacy Group
Currency Crypto Coin (page)
Currency Crypto Coin Page



Below, is a link to the ‘pre-crowdfunding’ promotion at


Netcoin Net goes up past 300 satoshi and Keeps those gains

Netcoin Net

Netcoin Net continues to do well this year,

the pow block reward went from 200 to 100 recently,

and I wondered what might happen to the price of netcoins,

but netcoin has gone up, showing there is increasing demands

for netcoins nowadays.

I have to admit, it is kind of nice to sit and watch netcoins being paid to me regularly, while at the same time seeing the price of netcoins go up on the exchange.
Netcoin recently pushed up past 300 satosh per coin, after it seemed like netcoin was struggling to stay above 200 for a while there, and I thought it wouldn’t hold, but in fact netcoin has been holding those gains this time.
If the current trend continues, then is it possible that netcoin might continue to go up in price, when the reductions in Staking and interest paid in the wallet goes down in august, 2015?

It is anyones guess, but it seems there is investors who are trying to accumulate more netcoins, perhaps to make up for the coming reductions, maybe they want to continue earning the same amount, but if so, then they have to increase their total number of netcoins.

That might be one reason why netcoin is going up.

Another reason why netcoin might be going up, is because more and more people are becoming familiar with netcoin these days,

plus Proof of Stake is a hot thing, while at the same time,

netcoin does have a really good name for the coin too.

There is also more services for netcoin than there used to be,

that might also be contributing to the price increase.

Then again, it might be the diligent work of the netcoin faithful who keep supporting their investments into netcoins, yes I think that has something to do with it too.

Netcoin does have some people involved, who do continue to work regularly to promote netcoin.

I continue to be amazed at how well netcoin can do sometimes,

I did increase my netcoin pile before the recent increase,

I had 19,000 netcoins but now have 73,000 netcoins.

I get a little over 40 netcoins a day, not much,

I am sure there is lots of people who are getting more,

but I am getting interest paid to me in the wallet,

and also gains in the prices of netcoins too.
Looking forwards to see what netcoin will do in the future.


Good day, thank you for coming to


Links to Netcoin webpages on the internet are below:  is the official main website for netcoin, where people can get access to download the netcoin wallet and lots of other info about netcoin.  is where the netcoin forum is at.


2bacco coin a new coin with a message

2bacco coin The Smoker Friendly Crypto Coin



Quoted from a user named 2bacco at June 27, 2015

“Local contacts are starting to see more opportunity with 2bacco coin
I changed the title of the 2bacco coin thread, to ‘Smokers Rights, Smokers Advocacy’

I am dealing with the neglected charity to smokers,

and the unlawful taxation of cigarettes and tobacco,

and price hiking without allowing normal competition to decrease prices.
The non-confessions of all the people involved in those unlawful works.
and it is also connected to a health care system and legal system of the world that is out of whack with true law.

Unlearned persons who go around preaching about ‘quit smoking’ who fail to realize that ‘quitting’ is only a

small type of the larger concept of REPENTANCE.

And Jesus Christ said: ‘You hypocrites, Remove The Log From Your Own Eye First, And Then You Will See Clearly To Take The Speck Out Of Your Brothers Eye’


Invest into 2bacco coin, by supporting 2bacco coin, mining 2bacco coin, getting 2bacco coin onto exchanges, accepting 2bacco coins at your store or business, and buy your cigarettes and tobacco with 2bacco coins, tell some friends about 2bacco coin either locally or via the social networking on the internet,

and when you do that, then you are supporting your investment into 2bacco coins at the same time, rather than having no chance of gains at all if you just go and buy your smokes with regular fiat.

Make Friends, Make Peace With Smokers”

Quoted from a user named 2bacco at

Thank you for reading at

2bacco coin webpages and links

2bacco coin Announcement thread at bitcointalk:

2bacco coin Official website to download the 2bacco coin wallet:

2bacco_2bacco at twitter:

Stores who accept 2bacco coins


2BACCO Mining Pools

MP Hosting, 2bacco coin 2baccocoin




2bacco coin crowd funded node:

add addnode= to conf file


2BACCO Coin Crowdfunded node from


Netcoin Net Has A Category Forum at

Netcoin Net

Netcoin Net Has A Category Forum at

I am pleased to announce that Netcoin Net now has a category Board Forum at

The Netcoin Net forum is given a full category board all its own, and that means that the Netcoin forum is always visible on the home page at

I even managed to put a Netcoin image as the background of that forum, and I think it looks neato.
So far, the response has been very positive from people involved with netcoin, and a big thank you to bigj and snappysnap from Netcoin for stopping by to put some Netcoin information into the netcoin forum at

Thank you very much

Good day

To get started with Netcoin, and/or for even more information about Netcoin Net, please visit the main Netcoin Net website at:

There is also lots of information at the Netcoin Forum

The Smartcoin Avatar Design Contest Is A Big Success

The Smartcoin Avatar Design Contest Is A Big Success

In the Smartcoin Avatar Design Contest,
I was just looking for some new designs for avatars at bitcointalk, but got:

1- SmartCards

2- Smarty & SmartyPants mascots for Smartcoin

3- The first Smartcoin Comic Strip

I think those ideas are absolutely excellent for smartcoin, but need work going forwards to develop those ideas more

All those ideas are in the picture below, it is the banner at the Smartcoin Forum now, and also at the twitter @simplysmartcoin

It is my hope that Smartcoin and the smartcoin community are excited about the future of smartcoin!

Smartcoin is all about people and community
Smartcoin is all about people. It is the people involved with Smartcoin who make smartcoin what it is,
or what it will become; but last year, when the original dev departed, much of the smartcoin community also left.

But another developer named psionin took over,
and skillfully changed smartcoin from a scrypt to X11 coin.

It is a big plus to have psionin working part-time for smartcoin, but I/we hope there will be full time work from either psionin or developers in the future.

Nowadays, Smartcoin is Growing Again

Nowadays, smartcoin is attracting new people, and it is my hope that people will like smartcoin, and invest or mine smartcoins, and use their own talents to help smartcoin to become a more widely used and accepted currency.

For example: I invested some of my energy, money and time to manage the Smartcoin Avatar Design Contest, and that is my way of helping smartcoin, but i know that when more people are doing more work for smartcoin, then greater things will be accomplished.

Keywords: ‘Greater Things Will Be Accomplished In The Future!’

Personally, I have a long term perspective about smartcoin, and remain steadfast always in my optimism for the future of smartcoin, and I hope that you also have that kind of commitment with smartcoin too.

Good day


Below, are some links to posts about the Smartcoin Avatar Design Contest:

and here is a link to the Smartcoin Forum:


The Smartcoin Avatar Design Contest. April 22 to May 14, 2015


The Smartcoin Avatar Design Contest. April 22 to May 14, 2015

The Smartcoin Avatar Design Contest has expanded and is now at four different crypto coin forums.
Smartcoin Avatar Design Contest at

Smartcoin Avatar Design Contest at

Smartcoin Avatar Design Contest at

Smartcoin Avatar Design Contest at bitcointalk

Hello everyone, as usual it has been a long time in between posts at
Today I am happy to announce the Smartcoin Avatar Design Contest
The contest started on April 22, and entries are accepted until 12 noon on May 14, 2015.

There is a total of 14,250 smartcoins to be paid out in the contest, but that amount might go up by may 14, 2015, if there is more smartcoin contributions to the contest.

Smartcoin Contributions for this contest are accepted at this smartcoin address below(thank you):

There are two main payouts, each paying 5000+ smartcoins to the pics judged to be the ‘best’.

1- 120×80 pic is paying 5000+ smartcoins

2- 40×80 pic is paying 5000+ smartcoins

But, All entrants will be paid somewhat of smartcoins, and so far there is 4250 smartcoins to pay to the rest of the entrants, just for entering.

The Contest Is Now At Four Different Cryptocoin Forums

It was originally intended for the smartcoin avatar design contest to be strictly on one thread at
in the Altcoins>Marketplace forum, but I decided recently to expand the contest, and now the contest also has a thread at and and  too.
I/we will be watching all those threads on these forums.

Once again, please make sure to put your smartcoin address in your entry post,  so I know where to send the smartcoins to.
Thank you all very much for your entries in the Smartcoin Avatar Design Contest

Good day


Picture at netcoin cryptomunity forumNetcoin_cryptomunity

This is a picture of the BitcoinGarden twitter profile:


Below, is a picture from the banner at


Smartcoin – Thinking of Starting A Smart or Smartcoin Business

Thinking of starting a ‘Smart’ or ‘Smartcoin’ business?

Here are some ideas:

Smart Advertising Service
Smart IT
Smart Engineering
Smart Crypto Finance
Smart Jobs
Smart Electronics

Rearranging the smart and coin:

Smartcoin Advertising Service
Smartcoin IT
Smartcoin Engineering
Smartcoin Crypto Finance
Smartcoin Jobs
Smartcoin Electronics

And another arrangement:

Smart Advertising Services by Smartcoin
Smart IT by Smartcoin
Smart Engineering by Smartcoin
Smart Crypto Finance by Smartcoin
Smart Jobs by Smartcoin
Smart Electronics by Smartcoin

Helpful smartcoin links below:

Smartcoin Main Websitethis website will help you to download the smartcoin wallet

Smartcoin main thread at

Smartcoin Advertising Services thread at

Netcoin Tops the leaderboards at

Netcoin Amazes by Rocketing to the Top of the Leaderboards At  – Feb 18-19, 2015

Netcoin picture


(It is a little hard to read the above image, but you can click and view the image on a different page to see more clearly the netcoin on top at cryptsy)

On February 18, 2015, Netcoin was in the number 1 position on the leaderboards at but the image above is from February 19, 2015, still showing Netcoin in 2nd place on the leaderboards.

Not much to say, Netcoins rise does all the speaking, and with continued optimism, hard work and support, especially from the netcoin foundation, who knows what netcoin might accomplish in the future.

Below are a couple of links, if you want to find out more about netcoin, and have a little time to spare to do some reading:  This page will show you some exciting stuff about netcoin and the netcoin foundation. Note: you will need a netcoin wallet if you want to buy some netcoins  This is the netcoin forum, people can join and participate, ask questions and have fun posting

To Buy Netcoins:  – is a big cryptocoin exchange where you can buy netcoins, look for the ticker symbol NET

Smartcoin – perhaps one of the most undervalued coins at cryptsy currently

Apparently, the original creator of smartcoin decided to quit working for smartcoin,

and then people sold their smartcoins and the price of smartcoins went down on the exchanges.

But, the old saying ‘someone elses loss, is someone elses gain’ may be true with smartcoin.

The low priced smartcoins gives investors the chance to buy in cheap, and help

to rebuild the smartcoin community, and by doing so, there ought to be increases

in the price of smartcoins on the exchanges, and people who do that will

get some nice profits I think.

Smartcoin has recently been trading at under 100 satoshi per coin,

which is way low priced, with only 24.5 million smartcoins all-time,

Smartcoin could easily be trading 10x to 100x that price, and float

there on a regular basis.

So, this may be a great opportunity to get in really cheap, and make 10x or more your investment.

I see that smartcoin has a really good name for the coin, and that can make for

some really good opportunities for smartcoin, if everything aligns well, and

smartcoin continues to have a talented dev working for smartcoin,

and it seems that psionin(the current dev of smartcoin) is talented.

Smartcoin is traded at with the ticker symbol of SMC

For information about Smartcoin or to download the smartcoin wallet,

there is the main smartcoin website at:

Below, is the smartcoin main thread at

I have copied and pasted the Original Post from Psionin(dev) at bitcointalk, from the smartcoin main-thread,

for anyone who is interested below:


Full Member

Activity: 160

View Profile


July 03, 2014, 09:45:41 AM

Countdown to SmartCoinX11

About 3 days remain until the X11 fork. If you have not updated
to 0.9, please do so as soon as possible.  –July 20

X11 mining has been successfully tested and is scheduled to start on
July 24, 2014 at 00:00 UTC. Included with this change is a block subsidy
reduction to 16 coins per block and a block spacing time increase to
2 minutes. The repository code has been updated and a new Windows
wallet can be downloaded here. –July 15

Testing is currently in progress for the X11 fork.  –July 14

A new client has been released, which includes about a year of Litecoin
code updates, resulting in much better performance and stability. Included
is an update to Qt version 5, network protocol changes, and more. A unique
ECSDA key has been added to the source, and a DNS seeder set up to
resolve the reported sync issues. Please note that the version number
has been reset to a lower value so that it can be incremented correctly.
This non mandatory update can be downloaded here.  –July 5

An updated client is scheduled for release in the near future, which would
have the recent Litecoin code, a switch to the X11 mining algorithm, DNS
seed updates, and other miscellaneous changes. SmartCoin has successfully
launched in February, has gone through a fork and a post launch period,
and is currently under continuous development. Thank you to everyone who
has supported SmartCoin thus far! Please stay tuned and check back here
for more info.  –July 3

Original thread:
Post-fork thread:
Current thread:

Source code:
Windows wallet:
Mac wallet:

Main website:
Alternate website:

Block explorer:
2nd explorer:





PoW Algorithm: Scrypt / X11 after July 24
Block Interval: 40 seconds / 2 minutes after July 24
Difficulty Retarget: every block (Digishield)
Total Coins: ~24.5 million

Block 1: 400,000 SMC
Block 2 – 999: 1 SMC
Block 1000 – 199,999: 64 SMC
Block 200,000 – 299,999: 32 SMC
Block 300,000 – 562,799: 16 SMC
Block 562,800 – 825,599: 8 SMC
Block 825,600 – 1,088,399: 4 SMC
Block 1,088,400 – 1,351,199: 2 SMC
Block 1,351,199 – 1,613,999: 1 SMC

Coin subsidy halves every year after block 300,000.